Shipping Policy

  • Free delivery on all orders of value PKR 2,500 or above.
  • PKR 200 delivery charges for all orders under the value of PKR 2,500.
  • For every order of PKR 10,000 or above, 50% advance payment is necessary for order confirmation.
  • We offer [COD] Cash on Delivery and Direct Bank transfer.
  • Order delivery time is 4 to 6 working days (excluding weekends and holidays). However delivery can take up to 8 working days during sale.
  • In case of self-collection or any address where we think that the courier network is not available we demand for advance payment.
  • You have the right to cancel the order at any time before the order has been processed.
  • Once the order has been processed you will receive an email with order reference number.
  • UltraDiction has the right to cancel the order if the items are out of stock.

Return/Exchange Policy

  • Due to the differences in color monitors/LCD screens and lightening used during photo-shoots, the exact color or texture of the final item may slightly vary from what is seen on screen, therefore products cannot be exchanged for this reason.
  • Return or Exchange within 10 days subject to stock availability and proof of purchase. You will be refunded the total amount minus any delivery charges against a Return.
  • For exchange (return within 7 days of purchase) please WhatsApp or Call at +92-342-7712414 during working days (Monday to Saturday) from 10am to 6pm.
  • Rs.400/- will be charged for Hassle-free exchange at your doorstep. (Only in major cities)
  • Returning items will be returned at customer’s cost if product sent was as per order.
  • Damaged garments would not be exchanged.
  • In case of lost shipment, customer must inform via WhatsApp +92-342-7712414 with the complete order details. We will set an inquiry regarding your claim. If after inquiry, it is confirmed that your claim is valid, then the product will be shipped again.